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Can robot-machined marble statues be as good as those made by humans?

Can robot-machined marble statues be as good as those made by humans?
Can robot-machined marble statues be as good as those made by humans? EuroWeekly NEWS 01/09/2023 Giacomo Massari founder of the Italian company “Robotor” is convinced that his robot-machined marble statues are nearly as good as those made by humans. ... ” Robotor’s latest robot sculptor, dubbed [...]

Donatello (Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi) San Giorgio, 1415/1417 Marble, 209 Cm The statue of San Giorgio di Donatello dates from 1415-1417. It is part of the cycle of the fourteen statues of the patrons of the arts in Florence for external niches of the Orsanmichele church. The original marble is preserved in the [...]

Michelangelo Buonarroti David, 1501/1504 Marble H 434 cm David is a famous marble statue created between 1501 and 1504 by Michelangelo Buonarroti and preserved in Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence. ... The statue represents the Biblical hero David when is going to face Goliath. Originally the statue [...]
Robot chisel can sculpt marble like a 3D printer

Robot chisel can sculpt marble like a 3D printer
Robot chisel can sculpt marble like a 3D printer domus 02/04/2023 A small startup in Carrara, Italy, where the famed querries are, employs a robotic arm to chisel marble into sculptures starting from 3D models and scans. Sculpting marble is a tiring, risky and dangerous activity. ... "It was in the heart of the quarrying district of [...]
Sculpting robots chisel art out of marble

Sculpting robots chisel art out of marble
Carrara marble : People have been creating sculptures out of marble for thousands of years, and some of the best known works of art — including Michelangelo’s David — are made from it. The marble used for that statue and many other masterpieces was mined from quarries in Carrara, Italy, and at one point, [...]

The Tersicore by Antonio Canova Titolo opera: Tersicore Author: Antonio Canova Technical details of the work: A full-length, life-size marble statue, completed by Canova in 1811, representing Tersicore, Muse of dance and choral singing. ... Technical reproduction data: The white Carrara marble reproduction made by TorArt and executed by an [...]
Watch a robot sculptor meticulously create a replica of a famous 19th-century statue

Watch a robot sculptor meticulously create a replica of a famous 19th-century statue
Watch a robot sculptor meticulously create a replica of a famous 19th-century statue Arabic CNN 01/20/2023 Watch a robot sculptor meticulously create a replica of a famous 19th-century statue. Italian tech company Robotor has finally shared a video of its 13-foot-tall "high-end artist" carving a slab, a giant in marble, to [...]
Where to find us, TORART specialises in processing marble and stone

Where to find us, TORART specialises in processing marble and stone
Where to find us TORART is a workshop that specialises in processing marble and stone. Established in 2004 by Giacomo Massari and Filippo Tincolini in Fantiscritti, the workshop is located in the stunning basin of the Apuan Alps, where Michelangelo once sourced precious white marble for his sculptures. Situated outside the town, the factory is a place of [...]
This statue was created by an Italian robot: the story of Robotor, the Michelangelo with artificial intelligence

This statue was created by an Italian robot: the story of Robotor, the Michelangelo with artificial intelligence
This statue was created by an Italian robot: the story of Robotor, the Michelangelo with artificial intelligence Corriere della Sera 01/31/2023 Conceived just steps from Carrara, it transforms marble into art using a mechanical arm and advanced software. If that mechanical arm, a bit of an artist itself, could understand human language, it would probably [...]

Pario Marble, 202 Cm Milo’s Venus is one of the most famous Greek statues. It is a sculpture of parior marble, with no arms and original base, preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
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