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In his works, he does not offer absolute truths but takes on the responsibility of answering the questions that we have always asked ourselves in our "being in the world". He does so with irony and lightness to recover a ritual dimension, open to the other, breaking the self-referentiality of art and guiding the viewer in the interpretation of the [...]
Carrara, marble shaped by a robot. Cutting-edge technology allows for the reconstruction of artworks and the execution of modern artists' works

Carrara, marble shaped by a robot. Cutting-edge technology allows for the reconstruction of artworks and the execution of modern artists' works
Carrara, marble shaped by a robot. Cutting-edge technology allows for the reconstruction of artworks and the execution of modern artists' works t24 - Il sole 24 ore 09/04/2023 T24, the Tuscan economic newspaper of 'Il sole 24 ore,' has dedicated an article to ROBOTOR and TORART. The piece, titled 'Carrara, marble shaped by a [...]

Lina Iris Viktor is a Liberian-British multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Italy. ... Diviner I/The Watcher polished bronze, volcanic rock & marble 71 15/16 x 36 1/8 in 182.8 x 91.8 cm 2021/2  
Could robots do the work of master marble sculptors? This one is "99%" there, according to its creator.

Could robots do the work of master marble sculptors? This one is "99%" there, according to its creator.
Could robots do the work of master marble sculptors? ... Now, it is also the marble wrought into sculptures by "1L.... We watched as his creation worked to create another: a Venus sculpture. ... It works in the very hills of Carrara where Michelangelo sourced the marble for his [...]
This Automated Robot Sculptor Chisels Stunning Works of Art From Massive Blocks of Marble

This Automated Robot Sculptor Chisels Stunning Works of Art From Massive Blocks of Marble
This Automated Robot Sculptor Chisels Stunning Works of Art From Massive Blocks of Marble Nice News 02/01/2023 “Alexa: Sculpt a masterpiece.” That command may sound like science fiction, but a company called Robotor has already invented its own version of the concept: a self-programming, automated chisel capable of creating stunning sculptures [...]
Maurizio Cattelan experiments with Robotor, the robot that carves marble better than Michelangelo

Maurizio Cattelan experiments with Robotor, the robot that carves marble better than Michelangelo
Maurizio Cattelan experiments with Robotor, the robot that carves marble better than Michelangelo STILEarte 09/14/2021 The word has quickly spread both in Carrara and in the contemporary art circles. Maurizio Cattelan is reportedly working on a conceptual artwork created, in terms of material execution, by a powerful robot that sculpts in [...]
Robot Carves detailed Marble Sculptures

Robot Carves detailed Marble Sculptures
Robot Carves detailed Marble Sculptures wordlessTech 01/18/2023 Robotor Italian startup invented a device capable of carving marble masterpieces out of Carrara marble. Robotor founder Giacomo Massari believes his robot -created marble statues are nearly as good as those made by humans. Robotor-One by Robotor has created the [...]
ROBOTOR invited to Cologne for DIGITAL-X 2023, the world's largest exhibition on digitalization themes

ROBOTOR invited to Cologne for DIGITAL-X 2023, the world's largest exhibition on digitalization themes
ROBOTOR invited to Cologne for DIGITAL-X 2023, the world's largest exhibition on digitalization themes La Nazione 09/20/2023 On September 20 and 21, in one of the central squares of the city, a ROBOTOR robot sculpted a marble work directly in front of the public. As a tribute to the city hosting the event, the robot created a white Carrara [...]
A robot carves beautiful marble sculptures in Italy.

A robot carves beautiful marble sculptures in Italy.
A robot carves beautiful marble sculptures in Italy. вслух.net 01/30/2023 A robot carves beautiful marble sculptures in Italy. ... The robot 'works' in Carrara, Italy. An automatic sculptor can reproduce impressive works of art. ... It's where the famous white Carrara marble from the nearby [...]
The luxury of artists? Having a "Robot Sculptor"

The luxury of artists? Having a "Robot Sculptor"
Having a "Robot Sculptor" MONTENAPO Daily 04/27/2022 In Carrara, in the marble quarries of Michelangelo Buonarroti , there is the “Robot Sculptor”. A gigantic mechanical arm moves slowly towards a block of white marble: the hyper-technological tip turns rapidly and relentlessly. ... Now the sculptures are made like this: the robot, called BOT1, [...]
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