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Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte



With the same ease with which we are fascinated by the anatomical and poetic perfection of classic statues, we tend to overlook the physical effort that went into creating these works. Sculpting marble blocks required immense physical efforts from the great artists, efforts that now technology and new equipment could almost completely reduce.

Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, starting with the idea of trying to bring the great sculptures from the history of art into today's technological world, have created Robotor, a robot capable of replicating the perfection and beauty of these modeled marble blocks through a mechanical arm guided by software.

With the same ease with which we are fascinated by the anatomical and poetic perfection of classic statues, we tend to overlook the physical effort that went into creating these works. Sculpting marble blocks required immense physical efforts from the great artists, efforts that now technology and new equipment could almost completely reduce.

Filippo Tincolini and Giacomo Massari, starting with the idea of trying to bring the great sculptures from the history of art into today's technological world, have created Robotor, a robot capable of replicating the perfection and beauty of these modeled marble blocks through a mechanical arm guided by software.

The robotic chisel has the ability to self-regulate, adjusting speed, effort, and power depending on the surface and shape to be modeled. It recreates with the same delicacy and determination the style of the great masters of art, as can be seen from the reproduction of Terpsichore and of Amor and Psyche by Antonio Canova. The machinery is capable of replicating any 3D shape, even starting from very large blocks that allow for the reproduction of life-size works. Robotor, in fact, before proceeding with the action, analyzes the raw material, capturing its structural characteristics. The software not only plays a preliminary role in the work but also ensures that during the process the machine chooses which bit to use or how to proceed in the phases of sculpting, polishing, etc.

This project originated in the Carrara district, the same place where Michelangelo chose blocks for the works commissioned by the popes of the Renaissance. Robotor represents a new way of looking at ancient art; if it's true that the meaning of works changes according to different eras, it makes sense to make an effort to understand the contrast that opposes craftsmanship and technique to technology and its ability to simplify the gesture.

Il robot che replica fedelmente i capolavori dell’arte
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