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Barry X Ball
Pietà, 2011 – 2018
Iranian Onyx
197.5 x 71.3 x 73.8 cm

Original: Michelangelo Buonarroti
Pietà Rondanini, 1550-1564
Museum Pietà Rondanini, Castello Sforzesco, Milan

The last work left incomplete by Michelangelo Buonarroti: the Pietà Rondanini.

Michelangelo worked on this marble sculpture from 1550 until the last days of his life. In this work the sculptor transforms the death of Christ into the emblem of suffering, leaving the perfection of the human body and its heroic beauty.

Of this masterpiece, Tor Art realized, on behalf of Milan’s Castello Sforzesco, an identical copy, in form and material, in order to allow the seismic tests that today assure the original optimal conditions of protection and conservation.

In addition, a copy in Onyx was created for a work of the artist Barry x Ball.

Read More:
il Tirreno
In Toscana
La Nazione
La Repubblica

Wall Street Journal: video dedicated to Barry X Ball

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